Friday, September 13, 2024

Louisiana's Proliferation(s) of societal apathy

Louisiana's Proliferations of Societal Apathy❗❗ 
Just Don’t LookLandry was confused as to why people who were not religious would be offended by the mandatory displays.    “They don’t have to look at the poster,” said Landry. “Everybody gets their feelings hurt so much. Back when we grew up, it was like, ‘Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you.’”  The state of Louisiana is facing increased pushback in its efforts to force Christian teachings into its public schools. After a June mandate to put Ten Commandments in schools was passed by the governor, a lawsuit challenge has forced the new law's implementation to be partially put on hold. This month, a hearing is set for the case that could be instrumental in deciding the ultimate outcome. The La., red state mandate is insidiously connected to an attempt to convince the citizenry that this is all about abiding by the law. That, if public school students; (not private school classrooms, receiving public funds) see the (Ten)10 Commandments on posters in their classrooms, they'll be more apt to obey the law.When, at the same instance, the Louisiana governmental 'supermajority' passed a law giving 18 year olds' the right to conceal carry without a permit.The governor signed the bill into law. The general public is not aware of this governmental hypocrisy in this red state. However, since in reality, 'we wrestle against spiritual wickedness in high places' the effects of such goings on, trickle down to the subconsciousness of 'every' citizen, unknowingly. And the "just don't look" mantra towards children, who interact beyond race, faith, dress and culture, is ludicrous.  The students are Hindu, Muslim, Judaism, Christian & other(Buddhist,Tao, Atheist). Anyone can see through this attempt to 'shine us on.' 

Other Issues creating apathy abound

Furthermore, the effort to invoke fear into voters, voters' registrations and such is intimidating too many unfamiliar with their rights as voters. 

The term the government of Louisiana uses is election integrity. 

During the time of the redistricting court battles the then Attorney General Jeff Landry, filed motions in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to attempt to redefine 'what is black', in order to diminish the two-third minority/black voting strength. 
The current A.G. Liz Murrill was the now Governor's main litigator in such instances. 

Who is Black? In Louisiana, there's a lot at stake in how that's answered

Legally speaking…what does it mean to be Black? And what does that mean for voting rights in Louisiana? Charisse Gibson explains the court case. 
 Charisse Gibson / WWL Louisiana  10:24 PM CST November 15, 2022 6:10 PM CST November 16, 2022-Who is Black? In Louisiana, there's a lot at stake in how that's answered

AG wants narrow definition of Black

As the midterm elections approached, part of the argument that drew national attention to both cases was the standard of “blackness” or who gets to identify as “Black.” 

In “Robinson v Ardoin,” Attorney General Jeff Landry argues for a narrower definition of "Black" and how that "definition" can be used in Section 2 Voting Rights cases.  

In court documents, Landry advocates the use of what he calls "DOJ Black," namely, "those who are 'Black' and those who are 'Black and White.'"

“Our argument to the court is anyone who checks black should be identified as black in terms of drawing a new map,” Evans said. “The argument of the Secretary of State and the Attorney General is that it’s too broad of a definition that you cannot be considered black unless that is your only race.” 

This sort of thing, has created such apathy in the 'atmosphere' in the currents of subliminal thoughts in the peoples' minds, unbeknownst to them. 

In the end, the 5th Circuit three judge panel ruled against the now Governor's ploy. 

“I identify as Afro-Asian. My Mom is an immigrant from Korea and my dad is five generations here in Louisiana, Black,” Angel Chung-Cutno, an educator in New Orleans said. “I grew up in a Black or White town. It made it challenging for me and for other people to put me on either side of the line because people like to organize and have boxes you can fit into."

For some like Angel, it can be difficult to be put into just one box. 

“I always had to choose a box and usually it was called other,” Angel said. “So I became familiarized with that box even though it feels very otherized to say you don't fit into anything else, you're something we can’t identify.”


Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Rigours of DEFEAT 2023 (mid-year)

 Too Late Now, generations are now indoctrinated educationally, with formerly impoverished families having degrees at dual levels, raising children with high achieving intelligence; genetically predisposed to excel.

Too late to kill affirmative action, it's in the 'system' now!

The rigours of actions taken in other matters of importance, signify that white supremacist ideology must be curtailed. 

If affirmative action is not necessary, why are the 70's era desegregation 'private' schools still a part of society? Consider the recent ruling against states attempts to fundamentally 'gerrymander' federal elections as states rights.

Further, in Louisiana two gubernatorial candidates instrumental in denying 'equal representation' in Congress, for another two years is evidentiary of the continued maintenance of a supremacist society. 

Jeff Landry

AG wants narrow definition of Black

As the midterm elections approached, part of the argument that drew national attention to both cases was the standard of “blackness” or who gets to identify as “Black.” 

In “Robinson v Ardoin,” Attorney General Jeff Landry argues for a narrower definition of "Black" and how that "definition" can be used in Section 2 Voting Rights cases.  

In court documents, Landry advocates the use of what he calls "DOJ Black," namely, "those who are 'Black' and those who are 'Black and White.'"

“Our argument to the court is anyone who checks black should be identified as black in terms of drawing a new map,” Evans said. “The argument of the Secretary of State and the Attorney General is that it’s too broad of a definition that you cannot be considered black unless that is your only race.”

 WWL Legal Analyst and Gambit Columnist Clancy DuBos

“Louisiana had a law at one time that said if you were 1/32nd African blood, you were classified by the state as Black,” WWL Legal Analyst and Gambit Columnist Clancy DuBos said. “That law was on the books to enforce the strict racial segregation and frankly the oppression of anyone who remotely could be Black.” 

These were more commonly known as the "One Drop Rule.” While terminology like Mulatto, Quadroon and Octoroon has evolved, the definition is woven into American history. What follows is a social construct, used in a way to restrict access to anything including political power, home ownership, education, and movie theaters. 

“It was designed to preserve the White hegemony and the White power structure that has been in place and now they're trying to flip that around but basically for the same reason,” DuBos said. “There are many people going back generations, especially here in New Orleans and the Cajun parishes, who not only identify as black but who have been identified as black going back to their birth records.” 

Given that history, it can be hard for multiracial Americans to fall along one "color line." 

DuBos said power is the name of the game. 

“We have a situation where 33% of Louisiana's voting age population is identified on state records and they identify themselves as Black. Under this ruling, that could go down to 25 or maybe 20 percent.”

Identity Politics Redefining Blackness in Louisiana 

Another early announced Louisiana gubernatorial  candidate Senator Sharon Hewitt boondoggled and filibustered while AG Landry filed an emergency-order with Justice Alito

Senator Cleo Fields harangued in legislative committee for legislators to follow the federal court's direction and create a second minority-majority congressional district. 

Now comes loan-forgiveness.
Nothing is changed however. The people who owe the most money are mostly poor. The present day Republican Party, seeks to slow down any advancement any way it can.
Including student loans. 


Monday, January 30, 2023

The Present Danger DoJ v. D.O.C. of Louisiana

The Culture of Policing 

(Correction Officers)

In the letter to the Governor Honorable John Bel Edwards
"and that these violations are pursuant to a pattern and practice of resistance 
 to the full enjoyment of incarcerated persons’ constitutional rights. Specifically, we have reasonable cause to believe that LDOC routinely violates the constitutional rights of people in its custody by incarcerating them past their legal release date." 

The truth of the matter is the young people and all others in 'correctional facilities' in the state of Louisiana, are in attendance of  'schools of pugilistic survival', with many returning to society mean as all hell. 
The inside of a facility directly violates all sorts of human rights, allowing inhumane treatment in battles to merely stay alive. 

Every U. S. Attorney's office
in Louisiana is listed, here. As Dr. King had to make LBJ, by Johnson's own admission; we must do what forced  legislation to be passed to bring forth the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The people of Louisiana in every jurisdiction must act to bring about the necessary change to the "Louisiana Department of Corrections", which operates under limited oversight, as was attested to during state legislative committee hearings surrounding the frenzied state police beating death of Mr. Ronald Greene in 2019. 
And not only that, not a few of the inmates under DOC incarceration are under excessive sentences, a further violation of "cruel and unusual punishment" besides 14th Amendment violations.

Every Louisiana U. S. Attorney should be written to by every citizen affected by D.O.C.'s handling of incarcerated persons, no matter where they are being held. Excessive sentences must be revisited. The time is now.

Corrections officers are turning a blind-eye to embattled violent conditions. Some inmates contend the officers are part of the intense fights, inside prisons. Once released, the community has to deal with the violent state of mind, which has developed behind bars. From the carjackings in New Orleans to the killings in Bastrop, many can be tracked back to "no correction in correctional centers", but perfecting the modus operandi. 

It is evident that mass-demonstrations are required in parishes where DOC prisoners are housed. 

Incarceration is big business for private correction companies. 

Impact of over detentions

Saturday, October 16, 2021

WholeSale Letting Them off the hook:Punishing the Unconnected

Severe Punishment for the politically unconnected. 

If you break protocol, not maintaining the blue line; an announcement is 'leaked' that in 45 days you'll be let go, for speaking up in a law enforcement case involving a chase, that ended in death for the suspect.

Pure Banana Republic-ism at its most resounding. 

All the while the Louisiana State Legislature on a Committee meeting this week began its discussions on the so-called "Critical Race Theory", which reasonings against proper historical teachings are Klan inspired directives. Where we are now societally is way beyond Jim Crowism. Louisiana State Police, the U. S. Attorney's Office-La. Western District, District Attorneys and other elected officials are purposefully destroying their credibility.

Everyone is culpable, especially the ones that are committing malfeasance in office, by not doing their elected jobs. What is the use in taking a sworn oath and not adhering to it.

Can you not hear the Bell Tolling for the tragic loss of lives in Northeast Louisiana and lately in Livingston, Ascension & East Baton Rouge.

The young lives lost to gun violence during the Summer and since, is due to "the culture of violence" in every area including law enforcement. The eighteen year old former Richwood High football player life was taken in June. 
Ten year old Labron Robinson's life was taken in Bastrop, La., July 4 and since then, others as well.
Because of the lack of confidence in police stemming from excessive force involved instances, young people are taking matters into their own hands. Because of the law-enforcement beatings, older black citizens are thinking twice before calling the law.
"Police Culture" is evident in the aftermath handling of two prominent excessive force incidents in Northeast Louisiana and one other in custody death.
The Special Litigation Section of the Civil Rights Division of the U. S. Department of Justice must become involved in the current ongoings.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Louisiana's Dark Past is still Haunting the Present

 Just the other day a man from Shreveport, Louisiana; Fair Wayne Bryant's life sentence was up held by the Louisiana State Supreme Court.

The Habitual Offender law in Louisiana is cruel and unusual punishment in antiquated dixie legalism. 

The habitual offender law must be repealed.  

He was sentenced to life for trying to steal hedge clippers. Only one justice objected.

   When the latest abomination from the state Supreme Court cried out for a rebuke from the voice of reason and compassion, retired judge Calvin Johnson, inevitably, was there to provide it.

“Forget it (the law) for a second,” Johnson said. “Just the inhumanity. Just the inhumanity of it. It just takes your breath away.”

Johnson's retirement as chief judge of the Orleans Parish Criminal District Court in 2008 left him with greater freedom to campaign against the mindless cruelties of the system he witnessed from the inside. 

He has been tireless in that cause and now laments the fate of Fair Wayne Bryant, whose wildly disproportionate sentence of life in prison failed to stir a sense of decency in any Supreme Court justice, save its chief, Bernette Johnson.    

To be Clear, this Louisiana aberation is in direct violation of the Sixth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution. 

[from the Chief Justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court's Dissent]
"In the years following Reconstruction, southern states criminalized recently-emancipated African American citizens by introducing extreme sentences for petty theft associated with poverty. 

 These measures enabled southern states to continue using forced-labor (as punishment for a crime) by African Americans even after the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment. 
Known in some places as “Pig Laws”, they replaced the Black Codes that were prevalent after the Civil War ended. See generally, Douglas A. Blackmon,SLAVERY BY ANOTHER NAME:THE RE-ENSLAVEMENT OF BLACK AMERICANS FROM THE CIVIL WAR TO WORLD WAR II (2008).

Pig Laws were largely designed to re-enslave African Americans. They targeted actions such as stealing cattle and swine—considered stereotypical “negro” behavior—by lowering the threshold for what constituted a crime and increasing the severity of its punishment." Id

Every Attorney in Louisiana should be seeking to change this evil-law from a most treacherously current past. 
The Louisiana Legislative delegation, the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus and the Governor should now prioritize ridding the State of Louisiana of this legacy. 

A rebuke from the voice of reason and compassion, “Forget it (the law) for a second,” Retired Judge Calvin Johnson said. “Just the inhumanity. Just the inhumanity of it. It just takes your breath away.”

So in this Age of correcting past wrongs to Black Americans, in the same state of black inequities, disproportionate #nCoViD19 (Coronavirus) statistics in Blacks statewide;  in a City in a Parish where a Confederate Statue stands in front of the District Court:

Get this business straight.

Monday, October 14, 2019

All The Rules have changed!! He Said It, you can't

The Trumpian Era, although coming to a drastic close has indelibly repositioned the discourse in American society & in the political arena.

Just the other night in Minneapolis, the President of the United States made a crass statement concerning the former President's posterior, being kissed by the current Democratic Candidate.

As usual the current commander-in-chief, was deflecting and already in overdrive, because of his own Benghazi, called Ukraine. A question should be asked, did he actually, first, shut the troops down, and then on today 12 October 2019 and pulled all the troops out of Northern Syria. 

This, in light of the continued nuanced support of personages, individuals, groups and others; the most obviously contradictory is American-born-blacks, and even more so young-American-born-blacks. 

The government (the state), "this-supremacist-oligarchal-rule" has its criminal-style control everywhere.  If you speak against the present-system, you can expect to be mishandled.  When your time comes, I pray you are fearless. Someone has to remain fearless.  The thing to remember is government of the people by the people.  

Government will return to the people: And the People shalt not forget who the oligarchs were, remember their names.  Their subterfuge is their heritage against this Democracy. Against this democratic-republic. 
Humiliating our troops the commander-in-chief has now 14 October withdrew all remaining forces from the Syrian-Turkey border, forcing the Kurdish people to make alliances with Assad, Putin & Rouhani.

So now, Twitter - (NYSE: TWTR) is protecting the current-president against any speech critical to the level of current deviousness expressed by Donald J. Trump. 


And/or @TwitterSupport. What, exactly, was the problem? The scientific anatomical terminology? The description of the statement the candidate made in #Minneapolis? Was it the supporter's name mentioned? Or, was it the term, formerly on the census-form, in my lifetime? #Analytics?
This is what President Donald J. Trump said In Minneapolis
This brought the disruption eruption (1 of the others Candace Owens)

I would imagine, this is the infamous tweet that disturbed, so greatly. But I guarantee you, I am more disturbed about, the degeneracy of this Administration.

Friday, May 31, 2019

So This

So, This.
Without doubt, America must admit it is Now a White Supremacist state of the union.
When the Congress of the United States of America is afraid of the leader of the "free-world", and that leader can attend and speak at the United States Air Force Academy and congratulate, shake-hands with 1000 freshly minted Wing-Men and Women; we might as well be in Adolf Hitler's 1936, pre-WWII, consolidation of Power and prowess.

The president of the United States, has a press secretary of Arkansas descent, of which Little Rock is known for its governor-then blocking the door of integration all those many decades-ago.  Furthermore, whose father is a Christian-minister of some sort; of which, ultra-conservative-religionist of the white-supremacist genre still to this day burn-crosses ritualistically in Arkansas and rural northwest Louisiana, among other places.

The nation called America, should no longer fool itself in to believing it is a democracy, or the republic for which it stands.  Especially so, when a Louisiana Legislator, cites the "preamble of the constitution" - Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness as the proponency of   "six-week fetal-heartbeat Life" as a means to deny abortion to rape or incest of forced-sex birthings.

Annually, the Bayou Knights of the Ku Klux Klan meet in Smackover, Arkansas during Labor Day Weekend. In 2006, two rallies occurred, the other in Harrison, Arkansas.
To those who would say this is not reality, think again.             
This is not to say, that Louisiana is without its own versions of the same supremacist ideology, and the notions that it is confined to men only. It is not so, and Black-folk should not fool themselves in to believing such, especially in the present.
The KKK meets also in Louisiana as well, and will recruit anyone, to continue its devices of White-Supremacists control. Specifically, in this time, under the guise of morality, or false-morality. And so, it is in this environment, the twisted words of an environmental-scorched-earth political prowess, that A Louisiana Legislator would invoke a womanizers-tweets as the reasoning behind supporting her legislation.  The President has galvanized his support in the white electorate, by pushing ideologies that will be pushed to the extreme, by those who wish to return to another time.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

This IS how you WANT it to BE

This how you want it to be. 

 And we don't really mind. As long as you know, the emboldeness of your emboldened response to liberty & justice and peace & tranquility in this present society is averted!
The poor citizens of America, out in front of the United States Supreme Court and other governmental offices, do not realize how this will all end.
The Anarchists have not yet even arrived. #Anonymous and other such groups have not co-opted the current trenders of protest agaimst the government's shake of late.

Who will be ready for the chaos, that is about to ensue?

With this current ill-responsive action in the judiciary, including the extended apparatuses doom is evident.  The refrain amongst the civil-disobedients sprung from #Ferguson & #MikeBrown. 

The level of the #injusticesToCome is manacled to the #TrayvonMartin debacle. Or, Baton Rouge's reeling yet from the aftermath of #AltonSterling, where the police-state over-reach manifested in cointelpro tactics. 

Senator John Cornyn of Texas, speaking of mob-rule, this very Kavanaugh confirmation vote-countdown is in disarray as Order is being requested from the Senate Chair from the Sargeant-at-arms in the #SenateGallery. (1340hrsCST)

Mr. Cornyn of Texas is greatly aware of his state's violations of the '65 Voting Rights Act.  FLAGRANT VIOLATION OF A COURT-RULING.  And not to forget the "bones of Negroes in Sugarland".

Is this the future that we must now endure in this America as it is Now.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

All Of This

As a pre-note: The debacling demise of Toys R Us - should be a reminder of what #TrumpFallout really is all about.  An insidious thought was that low-birthrates are at fault, for the downfall.  ~INSTABILITY IN THE WHITE HOUSE

                      IT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING
All of the current nonsensical actions of every entity of government is outlandish and absurdly destructive to every area of society.
In the state and nation.

The Nation is absolutely on the rocks.  As I am writing, John Bolton is to be the new National Security Advisor.  The General McMasters is out as National Security Advisor.
The President also lost a strategic attorney, John Dowd this day.  As #theTrumpFallOut continues to affect the american people; the administration's are either being thrown-out or they themselves are bailing-out of a sinking ship. 

The notion, that low birthrates in america is the culprit for U. S. retail insecurity,  Does anyone recall, the end-of-the-year congressional, executive branch back and forth.  All the way in to 2018 concerns about a #governmentShutdown.  An unstable government, economy and street angst in the United States of America.

In Louisiana the legislature, following the nod by the national trend of federal mechinations, is steadily creating a chasm of no return. Such lies and evil deceptions on every level.  The Louisiana Legislature is currently in its Regular Session. 

Following the current trend of the Republican ideology, the Health and Welfare Committee of the Louisiana Legislature considered a Bill, an approved it to be heard on the floor of the Louisiana House of Representatives . The same Bill was attempted in a Special Session earlier this month, but was not approved by the same Committee.  
The legislation would attempt to determine, who is really eligible for Louisiana Medicaid.  Another bill seeks to require recipients to work or perform community service to receive medicaid. 

The problem with all of this, is that the majority impoverished population of Louisiana becomes a Medicaid recipient after they have become ill and a licensed Louisiana physician deems the impoverished person, can't be treated unless they are granted medicaid benefits. 

The legislation if approved will determine eligiblity by state income tax records.  Records for which will more than likely not be obtainable. The chronically poor are not income-tax filers, plus many will just preferencialy defer to death, and the emergency room forcibly by a relative or loved one.

In either way, this is insanity.

Monday, October 30, 2017

It Just Will Not STOP ~ NO PLACE IS SAFE Murder Everywhere

Dateline Grambling, Louisiana higher education's Black on Black murder. 

And, of course there has been killing on campuses before, in the United States. 

Isley Brothers version
Sandy Hook Elementary, Virginia Tech, Columbine in Colorado & never to forget, "four dead in Ohio, that summer in Ohio, four dead in Ohio; we got to get down to it, Soldiers are cutting us down . .. . .  ." so the Isley Brothers sang! Concerning Kent State University in the song Neil Young wrote.
And that was 1970 in a Vietnam War Protest, when national guard soldiers opened fire on protestors--S T U D E N T S.

Neil Young(Crosby,Stills,Nash&Young

And 10 days later police opened fire on S T U D E N T S at Jackson State College in Mississippi killing 2 (two) and wounding twelve (12).

And then, in 1971 two S T U D E N T S were killed on Southern A & M College (Southern University) CAMPUS.

Denver Smith and Leonard Brown were shotgunned down on Southern campus, by police.

So, that murder has become routine in American's minds everywhere.  Murder. Routine? It was homecoming in Grambling, and a decision had to be made, if the festivities would go on as previously planned. 
One female student, thought it crazy that everything would continue and move-on she said, "as if nothing had happened. However, the pep rally became a peace walk, complete with the University President.
But the fact remains, this was Black on black crime at an institution of higher learning.
In Nearby Monroe, one black man murdered two people in two different areas of town. Two days before and drive-by shooting wounded an individual, just blocks away. Routine?

        Yet What bothers me even more is In-Custody Deaths

I have good information a person is being set-up to be murdered while in police custody. Though the Marked Man is not a Malcolm Shabazz, the grandson of Malcolm X; he is the grandson of civil rights workers of the 50's and 80's.  And so, the gene is there! 

By being in the wrong-place at the "right time"; he is in the routinely frequent position to be "murdered while in Custody or incarceration". 
We have confirmation of this. 

Coupled with the murderous atmosphere in the astros right now, the victim has been warned and instructed.
There will be a request sent to the United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division's Regional "Peacekeepers"- CRS to dispatch at its earliest agents and officials to intervene in this community.  Though some cities in North Louisiana have convened sessions, meetings and community oriented deployments, the death-quotient, continues spiraling.

In November of 2015, a young black man died while incarcerated in a Morehouse Parish facility. And so, now in 2017 another person will have an attempt on his life in November, if not before.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Louisiana Justice Denied:Injustice Instilled

In Louisiana Justice is Denied and Injustice is Instilled, from the top down

Recently, when Piyush (Bobby) Jindal left the State Governor's Office, he awarded raises to "some" state workers on his way out-of-office, leaving Louisiana in a (3) three-billion dollar deficit, shortfall or; before the government could operate, billions had to be cut.

As part, of  Louisiana's quest to "get every dime", it has in operation the Office of Debt Recovery.  As the state Office of Motor Vehicles, continues to strike its blow, for any "hours" of mandatory insurance default, you may lose your driving privileges and registration as a matter of penalty. 

Now, the legislature is set for final passage of a Bill to allow installment payments on such OMV debts, to be place on the Governor's desk for his signature.  Although, the bill will be up again for debate on the Senate floor when it reconvenes on Friday 3 June 2016, a question is begged; WHY IS THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, PREPARING TO INSTITUTE A DEBTORS PRISON?  Senate Bill 387 by Cortez


The Installment Plan Bill  creates a method of securing debt owed by folks, who are already dying from heart, cancer and other disease, because they can't afford a decent diet.

Poor and fixed income people are made, "illegal" as a matter of fact.  

Former Governor Bobby Jindal should be tried under "Honest Services" violations. It is in the best interest of the State of Louisiana's citizens, that something be done to "clarify" that an illegal act was committed by the former governor. 

The "Honest Services" involves a "defendant's act had the intent to defraud by depriving a victim of his right of honest services" 

Injustice is being Instilled in another Generation

When the Jindal Administration, the Division of Administration, allocated "raises" as he left the Governor's Office, it was injustice against the "people of the state".  

It is in the best interest of the State of Louisiana's citizens, that something be done to "clarify" that an illegal act was committed by the former governor. 

The "Honest Services" involves a "defendant's act had the intent to defraud by depriving a victim of his right of honest services" 

A "fiduciary" duty exists whenever one [person] [entity] places special trust and confidence in another person–the fiduciary–in reliance that the fiduciary will exercise [his] [her] discretion and expertise with the utmost honesty and forthrightness in the interests of the [person] [entity], such that the [person] [entity] relaxes the care and vigilance that [he] [she] [it] would ordinarily exercise, and the fiduciary knowingly accepts that special trust and confidence and thereafter undertakes to act on behalf of the other [person] [entity] based on such reliance.

Since the Louisiana government, will not do anything, about this indiscretion. what remedy does the people have? Who will Intervene? The Attorney General? 
The Legislature? The Supreme Court?

Or, must a private citizen file suit in the proper jurisdiction, to secure such remedy in respect to such injustices being instilled in future generations?  And, furthermore; the new law concerning Office of Debt Recovery, the Attorney General's office, Department of Public Safety & Motor Vehicles, and Treasury are in this mix. 

In accordance with the, proposed procedures "the so-called office of debt recovery, will utilized 'support enforcement' will utilize 'financial institute data match' to track down monies 'owned' or accessible for this 'collaborative' to seize accounts.
Sen. Page Cortez, R-Lafayette, was not so sure and echoed critics' concerns about an unfair collection process. He suggested the OMV may improperly accuse drivers of having not paid fines when the drivers' didn't receive collection letters, had already sold the vehicles listed with expired insurance or were registered in other states where they've moved.
"My contention is that I think we're having a case of judge, jury (and) executioner with the constituents' money without them even potentially knowing that they were even being brought to trial," the committee chair said Thursday.
Cortez pushed for an improved system as he presented a proposal to require that all notices of final debt include the total amount owed and all of a driver's payment options.
Rep. Denise Marcelle, R-Baton Rouge, said her House-backed bill would provide some of those payment options by creating installment plans for drivers to pay outstanding fines. The proposal would not negate debts, but allow drivers to become licensed while they work to repay their violations. 
ACT 399-Creating Office of Debt Recovery. June 2013
The provisions of the Act relevant to banking deal with the creation of a financial institution data match system to assist the ODR and Department in collecting delinquent state tax and non-tax debt. Although LBA does not like the idea of additional requirements for banks to police their customers, we recognized early on that this legislation had widespread support, especially in light of the state’s budget woes and constant search for new revenues. It has been widely reported that this Act could result in $200 million in new state revenues over five years. 
We also were told by the Department that without a data match system to efficiently find and collect unpaid debts, other potentially more burdensome methods would be pursued. 
For instance, the Department has told us that in recent years they have significantly increased the amount of paper levies they send to banks in a geographic area where they believe a debtor may have an account. 

These are basically fishing expeditions with the hope of finding a debtor account. As a result, banks waste time responding to these levies even when they do not have that debtor as a customer. 

The Department indicated that the number of paper levies generated would likely continue to greatly increase without data match in place because the Department was looking at technology to reduce time and expense while greatly increasing the volume of levies produced. 

In addition to philosophical concerns and concerns with the alternative collection procedures being contemplated by the Department, LBA had concerns with the initial language proposed in the bill and we wanted to ensure that the data match program, if passed into law, would be conducted in the same manner as is currently being done for the collection of past due child support. 

For many years, state law (in accordance with a federal mandate) has required financial institutions to conduct data match with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to assist in the payment of child support obligations. 

 Although LBA does not like the idea of additional requirements for banks to police their customers, we recognized early on that this legislation had widespread support, especially in light of the state’s budget woes and constant search for new revenues. 

Made to be criminals. Bank accounts policed. Yet the former governor, gets away with defrauding the state. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Listening to the Drum Major's Rhythm

While in Selma for the 50th year Jubilee it was evident that this year was different. Everyone was expectant. The President of the United States was scheduled to speak. However, we would find, there was a one-two punch.

We were waiting in line to be screened by security, just to get a little closer to hear the President. We had walked the bridge the day before. It was definitely something other than just us, on that bridge. It wasn't the day of the enactment.  Even so, the air was electric.  I felt healthier, rejuvenated and enlivened. 

After returning, from Selma for Worship the next day, the press was manifested in my bones.  The following day, announcements began to come of racism exposed once gain in our Nation. A "biracial" man was killed in Madison, Wisconsin by a police officer. Across the country in Norman, Oklahoma a fraternity group ranted a racist chant, from its bus. Our Society, was shocked.  Again.  Congressman John Lewis, had spoken on Saturday the 7th of March about those tribulation days of February to March of 1965.

Malcolm X, had come to Selma, while Dr. King was in jail, to lend his moral support. He was assassinated after leaving from Selma, shortly after. 

With, all that happening after leaving from Selma, and hearing the President say, the battle is not over. And after hearing a Congresswoman and Congressman say the same thing another way, I realized nothing has changed sufficiently in the hearts of America's people.  The News in Alabama, said the KKK dropped leaflets in Selma. 

Several City Officials in Ferguson, Missouri resigned. The State Supreme Court there, took over the municipal court. 

If Dr. King was here, he'd might say, "Where do we go from Here". He would talk about the unfinished business. He would talk about police brutality and poverty.