>Resistance Dec. 3rd 2007 Houston area

This travesty in Bastrop, Louisiana leaves a woman charged with murder in the death of two municipal police officers. Tonya Smith was held captive, by the murderer, Clem. What Supremacist, doesn't want to subjugate its captives?
The real crime, is the continued destruction of our children by this government. The government is destroying black children, every which way. Juvenile Court. Leap Test. Stadium Pimps. Unreasonable thoughts of equality, thoughts of the races not at odds. Poor innocent children caught up in a web of adult deceit. Vendetta-ism by the elitist ruling class. What will Bobby do! More of the Same, only a different player.
Remember, this government is killing Our Kids!
Changes recommended in LEAP tests for eighth graders
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Local Louisiana educators have recommended that eighth-graders who fail a key standardized test should get new options for advancing to the ninth grade.
The Parish Superintendents’ Advisory Council, which advises the state’s top school board, approved on Thursday the idea that was first recommended by state education officials. The state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education could make a final decision on the issue in early December. Changes would take effect with tests given in the spring.
The exam, the Louisiana Educational Assessment Program, is designed to ensure that fourth- and eighth-graders master basic skills in math and English before they are promoted to the fifth and ninth grades.
Under the state plan, eighth graders who fail the test in the spring, attend summer school and fail again would have additional ways to advance to the next grade, through a new appeals process. The change would not affect fourth graders.
Critics say the proposed change would water down state education standards.
To advance to the ninth grade, eighth-graders are supposed to pass the test in the spring or summer, and meet other course requirements.
But new passage rules are needed in part because too many overage eighth-graders remain in middle school because they flunk the test, said Scott Norton, assistant state superintendent for student and school performance.
LEAP results fall into five categories: advanced, mastery, basic, approaching basic and unsatisfactory.
Students are supposed to achieve at least basic in math or English and approaching basic in the other for promotion.
Under one proposed option, students who achieve basic in one subject and fall within 20 points of the cutoff for approaching basic, and meet other rules, would be eligible for promotion.
Students who score basic in math would normally have to earn a score of at least 269 out of a possible score of 500 in English to achieve the state standard for approaching basic. The new option would allow them to win promotion with a score of basic in math and 249 out of 500 in English, or 20 points less than the current cutoff.
Nearly 25 percent of eighth-graders failed LEAP earlier this year.
The proposed LEAP change next faces review on Nov. 28 by another panel of educators that advises the state school board.
WASHINGTON - The State Department promised Blackwater USA bodyguards immunity from prosecution in its investigation of last month's deadly shooting of 17 Iraqi civilians, The Associated Press has learned
The immunity deal has delayed a criminal inquiry into the Sept. 16 killings and could undermine any effort to prosecute security contractors for their role in the incident that has infuriated the Iraqi government.
"Once you give immunity, you can't take it away," said a senior law enforcement official familiar with the investigation.
The Race Baiting Immigration Executives!

The White Tree, White Supremacy & Black Power
The tree is uprooted. White Supremacy lives on. Black Power is a Myth. If there was really black power as in the New Black Panther Party, Rev. Brian Moran wouldn't have had the altercation in Jena in the first place. The movement of Huey P. Newton & Eldridge Cleaver was about the right to bear arms. Why would a 25 year old negro preacher in 2007 have to carry some sort of weapon to fend of the attacks of a white-man kicking rocks at his Cadillac? If Black Power was real, this man would have been secured in his person by those who are professionals. Instead, he was left alone, to walk alone; as the parents of the 6 met at the church he Pastor's.
All the while, the white supremacist, who the Jena Times insisted didn't exist, during the time Rev. Raymond Brown, spoke vehemently against the element. The paper and its co-conspirators, cringed at the thought of Brown taking an offering & getting a pizza, before returning three hours south to New Orleans.
But that was before the real rape began, by white folk, lawyers and organizations. Organizations like Color of Change taking up over $200,000.oo and at one point at the suggestion of King Downing; splitting the Jena Six Defense Fund between the parents for their individual use. That was before the alledged Mos Def donation & the now infamous David Bowie donation, both of which no one knows what happened to them. And please let us not forget, Tory Pegram & ACLU, Friends of Justice & Alan Bean; both of whom in their own way help to corrupt the original idea of the "Jena Six Parents" - Jena Six Defense Committee Fund. And please, let us not forget the guy from Monroe, taking up presumably bond money, when there was no bond in the picture on Sept 20: all the while right up under the courthouse low-shadow. But that's 14th St., mentality for you in 2007. They say, it went to the lawyers. When is enough, ever enough!
And please, please let's not forget the infamously outrageous tree, that has been cut down, & now the stomp-root is being sold by the peice. [What's a brother to do] And please, let us not forget the 6, and the seventh; and Mychal Bell; locked down illegally in a probation violation, with completely new charges, eased in to edit the situation to the advantage of the ??supremacist? Who, didn't exist!! Or so the Jena Times, wanted us to believe.
And now, the tree! Was it ever the Tree! No! It was the Nooses on the tree. Many trees over the years have seen much strange fruit dangling from the proverbial poplar. So, the Uprooting of the tree in Jena; leaves the tree a battle in the mind! So, this battle is spiritual. Didn't you know it; ALL THE WHILE!! WHITE FOLKS BURNING CROSSES IN THE WOODS. Come on people wake up. I don't care how much black you wear, how much marching is done, how much talking and screaming & hollering is done!
WE must go back to a cotton field work; and work a spiritual work on this enemy that no devil can resist. We moaned & prayed out of the cotton field. We must work the Psalms, go in instant & constant prayer,until there is a spiritual battle so strong that torndaoes and Hurricanes pop-up in the right places at the right times, out of nowhere! After all Mychal Bell is still in Jail!! Who is next! You!!! Will some white guy kick rocks at you, in Jackson Tennessee tomorrow. Why wait. Let's do the Spiritual Work, workers!! Over & out.The Race Baiting Immigration Executives!