The second moral virtue that comes from grace, as the fruit out of the tree, and ripens in the sunshine of confirmation is justice. Justice is a virtue that will give to everyone what belongs to him.
The court respects the rights of all before God
"Enlightened by prudence, justice supernatural foremost respects the rights of God. Indefeasible owner of everything, God has the right to any and everything, hence the cult inside and outside of man and society. Here, Justice is manifested by the virtue of religion, which includes worship, prayer, sacrifice, hope and the faithful fulfillment of precepts relating to the direct worship of the Creator ."
It respects the rights of the next
"It respects the rights of the neighbor, rich or poor, weak or strong, lower or higher.
- To her the world must end the exploitation of man by man, the murder of children, slavery, despotism brutal, which weighed on all peoples before the redemption, and which still hangs over all foreign nations the benefits of the Gospel.
- It teaches man to respect himself, his soul and his rights, his body and his family, his life, his death and to his grave.
- She tells him, finally, to respect the creatures in the governing justly, that is to say according to their end, In a spirit of dependence, as a property of others with fear, as to account for the use he has made.
Imagine what would happen to the world under the dominion of supernatural justice!
Apoplectic & Apocalyptic
Coastal tent cities are about to rise to house the workers and contractors minimizing the damage, while barge-like floating hotels for a total of about 800 workers are being readied at three locations off Louisiana. Sand banks and barriers are being built. But the consensus around the Gulf Coast is turning more apoplectic and apocalyptic. This is, people are starting to say, a generational event -- tragic to this generation, potentially crippling to the next.
On Thursday June 3rd Louisiana's Legislature offered HCR 214 directed to Ken Salazar the Secretary of the Interior. Rep. Ernest Wooton took to the podium on the floor of the Louisiana House & assailed the Obama Administration. How dreadful.!.

But Louisiana, still doesn't get it! Wooton even said the President should stay up in D.C.!! So, an oil man from Texas allowed the regulations on oil production to become lax. And now, a Hawaiian is saying, stop all drilling until we fix the regulating arm of gov't, stopping all drilling. While Pelicans are drenched in blood, I mean oil. Or, bloody looking oil. This is the link of Wooton going off. His comment's are behind Rep. Dove's explanation of the Resolution.
This is the kind of rhetoric that is fueling the "militia militancy" against Obama. An oil-producer, in a mad-rush for profit, split the earth, changed drill bits; disregarded a blowout preventer and charged straight ahead into the abyss.
?What is the correlation to this drilling & the recent earthquakes in the Caribbean & Central/South American Region?
Is any one realizing this is a green President. And this type of fiasco is this man's worse nightmare. Imagine that, toxic oil pollution in an endangered ecological wetland. And now, it's hurricane season. Yet still, who are they fooling. Haiti proved the WORLD let lone the USA are ill-prepared for catastrophe. It is especially so, one behind the other!! '09 Financial debacle. '10 Haiti Earthquake April 2010 Oilwell Blowout.
Come on People. Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi & all total 13 states had filed suit against Healthcare. Somebody's sure 'nough gonna need it now!!
USF researchers find new underwater plume from gulf oil spill
By Craig Pittman and Katie Sanders, Times Staff Writers
In Print: Friday, May 28, 2010
The sight of an oil slick spreading across the surface of the Gulf of Mexico is bad enough. But now scientists from the University of South Florida have found signs that a 6-mile-wide plume of invisible oil is snaking beneath the surface, in the deepest recesses of the gulf.
The thickest concentration, they found, was more than 2 miles beneath the surface — a mile deeper than where the Deepwater Horizon well has been spewing oil for the past month — and about 20 miles northeast of the collapsed rig.
The plume of dissolved oil stretched 6 miles down, said David Hollander, a USF chemical oceanographer and lead investigator for the project. This is the second oil plume to be discovered by scientists, and it marks the first time such plumes have been detected after a spill, Hollander said. He compared them to streams of lava flowing out of an undersea volcano.
While the fudgelike goo coating Louisiana's marshes is getting lots of television coverage, the two undersea plumes show damage is also occurring where no one can see it: deep in the gulf, miles from land, where marine life has always been abundant and yet largely unobserved.
The USF research vessel Weatherbird II was dispatched Saturday to take samples in the DeSoto Canyon, a deep valley that cuts through the continental shelf south of the Florida Panhandle. In the canyon, an upwelling of nutrient-rich water means far more fish and other species swim there.
The scientists' big concern, Hollander said, is whether the oil they found is concentrated enough to be toxic to marine life. It could affect the whole food chain, he said.
The canyon area is a popular destination for local fishing boats, said Bob Spaeth, owner of Madeira Beach Seafood, the area's largest seafood house and home dock for many longline boats, because "it is pristine. It has great habitat.''
The fishermen are willing to make the day-and-a-half journey because they know they will catch bluefin tuna, swordfish, king mackerel and grouper, Spaeth said. If toxic levels of oil have contaminated the fish there, Spaeth said, "that's a disaster.''
The fish are not the only potential deep-sea victims of the spill. It could affect everything from the 10-foot-long giant tube worms rooted to the floor of the gulf to the sea turtles, sharks, whales and dolphins that spend their lives far from shore, say the experts.
"I would be worried about every marine species that swam through that plume," said John Williams, executive director of the Southern Shrimp Alliance, based in Tarpon Springs.
Currently federal officials have closed about 22 percent of the gulf to both commercial and recreational fishing. USF College of Marine Sciences Dean William Hogarth promised that if the area where the plume was found wasn't already covered by that ban, it will be by today.
A big question is where the plume will go next. It could continue spreading until it gets onto the continental shelf and is pushed close to shore. Another USF oceanographer, Robert Weisberg, warned congressional representatives this week that if subsurface oil gets lifted onto the shelf it could reach west Florida's wetlands and beaches, which he called "a very serious concern."
There is no ongoing government monitoring program for what's going on in the gulf, Weisberg said. The USF voyage cost $850,000 — funded by the state — and at this point there is no money for a follow-up trip.
The USF ship, scheduled to return today, went out after scientists from several universities working aboard the research vessel Pelican told the New York Times of finding plumes of oil 3 miles wide and 10 miles long beneath the gulf's surface. That plume was spreading southwest of the rig.
Computer models run by Weisberg had predicted the location of the southwestern plume found by the Pelican, Hollander said. Weisberg's model also suggested there could be a similar plume headed northeast, he said, so that's where the USF ship went.
The scientists aboard the ship — some from USF, some from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg — discovered the plume on Tuesday. What's not known is the role that chemical dispersants play in the plume. BP has been spraying the dispersants both on the surface slick and directly on the gushing wellhead in the deep ocean, something never before attempted. The dispersants, being used in unprecedented quantities, are supposed to spread the oil so it will evaporate and degrade more quickly. That could be what has created the plumes, Hollander said.
The concern is that the dispersants are simply holding the oil below the surface, where it is harder to clean. So far, tests by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have found no signs that the dispersants are harmful to sea life, but the EPA has ordered BP to look for a less toxic version.
Once the Weatherbird II returns to port, scientists will conduct further tests to determine whether the plume is made of weathered oil droplets or oil linked to dispersants, Hollander said.
The one piece of good news: Tests conducted by the Weatherbird II between the loop current and the Florida coast showed clean water, no weathered oil on the surface and no sign of oil beneath the waves. But that doesn't mean it will stay that way.
Rowan Gould, acting director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, has predicted the spill "will affect fish and wildlife resources … for years to come, if not decades."
Times staff writers Stephen Nohlgren and Alex Leary contributed to this report.
[Last modified: May 28, 2010 06:51 AM]
Copyright 2010 St. Petersburg Times Story
New, giant sea oil plume seen in Gulf stretching toward Mobile Bay
By The Associated Press
May 27, 2010, 12:10PM
NEW ORLEANS -- Marine scientists have discovered a massive new plume of what they believe to be oil deep beneath the Gulf of Mexico, stretching 22 miles from the leaking wellhead northeast toward Mobile Bay, Alabama.
The discovery by researchers on the University of South Florida College of Marine Science's Weatherbird II vessel is the second significant undersea plume recorded since the Deepwater Horizon exploded on April 20.
The thick plume was detected just beneath the surface down to about 3,300 feet, and is more than 6 miles wide, said David Hollander, associate professor of chemical oceanography at the school.
While the researchers used Mobile Bay as a reference point, the area they are exploring is the DeSoto Canyon, which one researcher described as an "abyss" that falls off from the Florida shelf due south of the Florida-Alabama state line.
The canyon begins more than 100 miles off the Alabama coast with depths of more than 5,000 feet.
Hollander said the team detected the thickest amount of hydrocarbons, likely from the oil spewing from the blown out well, at about 1,300 feet in the same spot on two separate days this week.
The discovery was important, he said, because it confirmed that the substance found in the water was not naturally occurring and that the plume was at its highest concentration in deeper waters. The researchers will use further testing to determine whether the hydrocarbons they found are the result of dispersants or the emulsification of oil as it traveled away from the well.
The first such plume detected by scientists stretched from the well southwest toward the open sea, but this new undersea oil cloud is headed miles inland into shallower waters where many fish and other species reproduce.
The researchers say they are worried these undersea plumes may are the result of the unprecedented use of chemical dispersants to break up the oil a mile undersea at the site of the leak.
Hollander said the oil they detected has dissolved into the water, and is no longer visible, leading to fears from researchers that the toxicity from the oil and dispersants could pose a big danger to fish larvae and filter feeders such as sperm whales.
"There are two elements to it," Hollander said. "The plume reaching waters on the continental shelf could have a toxic effect on fish larvae, and we also may see a long-term response as it cascades up the food web."
(Associated Press Writers Jason Dearen and Matthew Brown authored this report, which was clarified by the Press-Register at 12:47 to better state the location of the undersea oil.)