Jackson Says Tug of WAR
The Process by which MISUSE is done!
Local Media begins its new PLOY!
>The Monroe Report!!
Why you want to PLAY us, so bad.

Judge J. P. Mauffray denied Mychal Bell a post-conviction bond on Friday in 28th Judicial court. Twisted Judgement not Justice at All!!!
Get prepared for the untold story of 50 YEARS of un-solved murders & disappearances in LaSalle Parish!! UNEQUAL JUSTICE RAMPANT IN LaSalle Parish.
Governor Speaks-out with the Proverbial! Rhetoric!!!! Stop the Democratic Party's persecution of BLACK CHILDREN!! The governor may not be running, but her political war chest will support a democratic candidate. Vote 'em Out, if no official of this government will intervene, vote them all out.
[original-12 August 2007-post]
When Martin Luther King, III comes to Jena on Tuesday, it will mark a new day in the annals of Louisiana History. Never in my life, and in the life of some seniors older than I, has this much high-profile civil rights figures visited our area of the state.
Yes, the Nation and the world is watching, but we should be watching our selves. How we are conducting our selves matters the most. While talking to an Islamic brother, I reminded him of how the Sisters in the Church of God and Christ & the Nation of Islam wore their white garb, and we as a people walked with a certain dignity; of which dignity must return, and as it appears, presently is occurring in the immediate term, right now.
Since, the coming of the rights' persons, we've had to reach out for help to secure the persons of these individuals, so much so that the Ministers of the Nation of Islam of our cities in this state have provided unprecedented support for this move of God. While the opposition has mounted attack after attack, the Nation of Islam has been there for the "One" who "sees" the threat and knows the oppositions tactics.
It all came to the head the other day, when we began to recieve calls form a 203 area code, in a threatening manner. On Thursday night and Friday morning, individuals were contacted, by a now unknown figure, who proceeded, firstly to attack the Louisiana NAACP State Conference President Dr. Ernest Johnson, Sr., of which verbal attack was immediately shutdown and denounced by the One who sees. However, on Friday morning two others reported similar contact via the telephone from the same 203 area code. At which point the authorities were contacted.
In the meanwhile, the announcement was made over KAYT from Rev. B. J. Moran, the pastor of Antioch Baptist Church. This announcement was unknowingly a slap in the face of the purveyors of the dis-information & veiled threats.
It did not work!

It took from mid-morning Friday, August 10th; to late evening [the US Gov't was briefed at 2245 hours as the person in charge landed in an adjacent state regional airport] to get the situation handled. So much so; that the level of threat enhanced to a statement of a "KLAN Party" in Jena, Louisiana to plan for the Klan's next move, whether a rally or a materials hand-out function in one the area's gathering places.
Governor Speaks with the Proverbial!! Rhetoric! [j.leSeiur] read below
Sharpton, M.L. King III to speak in Jena Tuesday
By Abbey Brown
(318) 487-6387
Another national civil rights leader will be coming to Jena to lend his voice in support of the "Jena Six" -- Martin Luther King III.
At 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, King, son of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., and the Rev. Al Sharpton will be preaching at Antioch Baptist Church, the church's minister, the Rev. B.L. Moran, said Friday evening. After the service, King and Sharpton will facilitate a Town Hall meeting that Moran hopes will help bring the community "unity, peace and strength."
Sharpton traveled to Jena last week, and Sunday he spoke at Trout Creek Baptist Church to a standing-room-only crowd. He also was able to meet with still-incarcerated Mychal Bell, 17, the first of the six black students who have become known as the Jena Six to face trial. Sharpton met with the other defendants -- Robert Bailey Jr., Carwin Jones, Bryant Purvis, Theo Shaw and an unnamed juvenile -- and their families as well.
The Jena Six were charged with attempted murder and conspiracy to commit attempted murder after a Dec. 4 incident at Jena High School that left white student Justin Barker unconscious. Barker was treated for his injuries at a local hospital and was released about three hours later.
LaSalle Parish District Attorney Reed Walters reduced Bell's charges to aggravated second-degree battery and conspiracy to commit aggravated second-degree battery just before his jury trial in June. He is scheduled to be sentenced Sept. 20 and faces as many as 22½ years' imprisonment.
Bell fired his public defender, Alexandria attorney Blane Williams, and has a team of defense attorneys from Monroe working on his appeal pro-bono -- Louis Scott, Bob Noel, Lee Perkins, Peggy Sullivan and Carol Powell-Lexing, Noel said. The attorneys are all members of the 4th Judicial District Indigent Defenders Board.
Although Bell's case and coverage of the Jena Six have captured headlines and airtime across the world in both alternative and mainstream media, Noel has said he hopes all that has no effect on Bell's case -- positive or negative. He wants the outcome to be based "solely upon the law as it applies to this case."
Governor responds to questions from The Town Talk
A number of petitions have been circulating on the Internet, many addressed to Gov. Kathleen Blanco. She issued a statement explaining why she hasn't, and won't, be able to intervene with the case, as she has been requested to do.
"I have received hundreds of calls, letters and e-mails from citizens concerned about the situation involving the case of the high school students in Jena, La.," Blanco said in the statement. "As Governor, as a citizen of the State of Louisiana and as a mother, without rushing to judgment, I condemn racism in any form, and I fully expect that those involved in this case, including all parties, will act with fairness and in complete good faith.
"I must clear up a widespread misunderstanding of my authority in this case. Our State Constitution provides for three Branches of State Government -- legislative, executive and judicial -- and the Constitution prohibits anyone in one branch from exercising the powers of anyone in another branch. This issue is currently a matter in the Judicial System, and should those involved in this case suffer any defects, it is their right to address them in that system through the appeals court."
Blanco went on to say that oversight with the entire case -- from arrest to prosecution -- is in the hands of the justice system, and she has contacted Attorney General Charles Foti and Donald Washington, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Louisiana. She said Foti has been speaking with Washington and other members of the justice system about the case as well.
"... Regardless of the outcome of this case, the Jena community has much healing ahead of it, and I urge all those citizens to come together for the common good of their community and their state," Blanco said. "Our children deserve nothing less."
Governor Speaks-out with the Proverbial! Rhetoric!!!!Twisted Judgement not Justice at All