What was said in Jena on Tuesday
"I would like to thank everyone that has come from far and near in support of our kids, because at the end of the day we are just crying for justice for our kids."
Tina Jones, of Jena, mother of "Jena Six" defendant Bryant Purvis
"Our unity is more powerful than an atomic bomb, and we can accomplish much more together than we can divided."
Rev. Lawrence Muhammad, of Monroe, representing the Nation of Islam
"Nobody has made the sacrifices that these young men who are going through this and their families who are going through this have. Because of that, we recognize that the families are number one and primary. We take their direction. They tell us what they need, and we do it."
King Downing, of New York, National Coordinator for the American Civil Liberties Union's Campaign Against Racial Profiling
"We can be loud. We can make some noise, but we also want to do this in a positive manner."
Caseptla Bailey, of Jena, mother of "Jena Six" defendant Robert Bailey Jr.
"When things happen like that, children will fuss and fight, but they will come back and grow up and meet each other and play again. But when adults come with hearts of hatred, it will bring this, and this is where we are now. I just think the only way it will come out is when we come and reason with each other and really look at the whole thing. Without cooperation and without sitting and talking to each other, nothing will be solved."
Janice Finister, of Jonesville
"They cut down the tree, but they can't cut down the push for justice. And they have tried to cut down the 'Jena Six' the same way they cut down that tree, because that's how they think they are going to stop this problem, but they're not."
King Downing, of New York, National Coordinator for the American Civil Liberties Union's Campaign Against Racial Profiling
"I'm disturbed really of what's going on in the school system in this parish. The things that's going on, the racial spur that's going on in Jena, LaSalle Parish, I'm really disturbed by it. I have some grandkids in the school system, it hurts me, it really hurts me."
Rev. Curtis Gardner, of Jena
"Work from your heart. Do not lose your sincerity. Do not let the cameras and the flashing lights and the microphone take you away from that which we have to focus on. We have to focus on freedom for these political prisoners here in the racist town of Jena, Louisiana."
Rev. Deric Muhammad, of Houston, representing the Nation of Islam
"This is another legalized lynching that they are trying to attempt on our brothers, but we're not going to stand for it. We're fired up, we're not going to take it anymore."
Krystal Muhammad, of New Orleans, representing the New Black Panther Party
"Where there is no justice there cannot be any be peace. The problem is not with the tree. The problem is not with the noose that was placed on the tree. The problem is with the mind-set of the racist society."
Rev. Rasheed Muhammad, of Baton Rouge, representing the Nation of Islam
"When I first came (to Jena) in January I went around the courthouse, and I could already see all you all standing out on the lawn. In fact, I just didn't' see ya'll, I saw about four times as many people standing out here, 1,000 people covering the entire lawn. And that's what we're going to have to do if we are going to bring justice to this situation."
Rev. Alan Bean, of Arlington, Texas, and founder of Friends of Justice
"God, we need you to bless this place. God, we need you to bless this day ... that we will remember all the other days that are yet to come, that pass where we are going to have to assemble ourselves again and speak of justice and speak of truth and speak of righteousness. I can hear Dr. (Martin Luther) King saying, 'We've got some difficult days ahead.'"
Rev. J.L. George of Sicily Island
I didn't get an answer out of jena6fan. How about you, ty? What do you think would be justice in this case? How would YOU handle it.
Posted by: observer on Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:07 pm
Isn't that what the LaSalle Parish School Board said about those "lasso pranksters"?? Aww...they're just kids....let's send them home for three days instead of expelling them.
What kind of message does THAT send? It certainly doesn't scream impartiality to me. It says, "What's the big deal? THEY WAS LASSOS!"
But they DO matter. And the threat DOES count....to anyone with half a conscience and a respect for all of humanity.
Posted by: tyjemison on Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:23 am
If people would teach their children to love and respect their elder or their friends and punish them when they do bad things this situation wouldn't have taken place!
Thats correct sir.ALL children.
But in reality,We know thats not the case.
Posted by: jena6fan on Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:19 am
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:59 am Post subject:
Quoting Martin Luther King? I think he would probably be more disturbed than anyone about this case and not for the reasons they are enumerating. King advocated judging people by the content of their character. He advocated nonviolence. Unfortunately character has not been an issue in this case. I think it would be better for these demonstrators if they left God and Martin Luther King out of it. I don't think either one of them would want to be here.
I didnt read anything about the Justin barker fight in that post.
Posted by: jena6fan on Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:16 am
I wish that also for the people of JENA.Situations like that are never good.My heart go out to them.God fearing people shouldnt have to suffer for the sin's of others.But then Jesus suffered also for the sins of man.his glorious appearance is close at hand.Then there will be peace.The devil's advocates will be dealing with their real judge that day.
Posted by: jena6fan on Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:13 am

Hundreds in Jena protest conviction of Michael Bell
Associated Press
JENA — Hundreds of people gathered in this little central Louisiana town on Tuesday to protest the conviction on one black student and the indictments of five others in an attack on a white schoolmate.
About 300 people spent an hour Monday morning listening to speakers from a number of organizations, then marched around town in support of the group that has become know as the "Jena Six."
Six young black men were charged with attempted second-degree murder and conspiracy to commit attempted second-degree murder after a white student, Justin Barker, was beaten and knocked unconscious at school.
Last month, Mychal Bell was found guilty of second-degree aggravated battery and conspiracy to commit second-degree aggravated battery after the charges were reduced. Bell is scheduled to be sentenced Sept. 20 and could get up to 22 years in prison. A group of Monroe, La., lawyers have taken on his appeal, however.
The other five defendants are Theo Shaw, Robert Bailey Jr., Carwin Jones, Bryant Purvis and an unnamed juvenile. They are still facing the more serious charges.
Members of Tuesday's protest also presented an almost two-foot high stack of signatures on petitions asking Gov. Kathleen Blanco to intervene in the case and accusing district attorney Reed Walters of not pursuing the case impartially.
"Five or six family members and members of the community presented the petitions to an assistant district attorney," said James Rucker, executive director of colorofchange.org, which spearheaded the petition drive. Rucker said more than 45,000 signatures were collected. [irml]
The Rev. Al Sharpton to speak in Jena
Louisiana Gannett News
The Rev. Al Sharpton will speak at Trout Creek Baptist Church, 12680 U.S. Highway 84 West, in Jena at 11 a.m. Sunday, his office confirmed today.
He is expected to make other appearances while in Jena.
There had been a rumor that Sharpton might show up at Tuesday’s rally in Jena on behalf of the "Jena Six" defendants, but he was not there.
The Rev. Raymond Brown, New Orleans chapter chairman of Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, has said he feels there has not been justice in the case of the Jena Six.
Brown has said his group would continue to persevere until the charges against the defendants are either dropped or downgraded to misdemeanors.
The Jena Six case has stirred racial tensions in Jena. The defendants, who are black, were charged in connection with a Dec. 4 attack at Jena High School. They are accused of beating white student Justin Barker.
The Jena Six are Robert Bailey Jr., Mychal Bell, Carwin Jones, Bryant Purvis, Theo Shaw and an unnamed juvenile. All were charged with attempted murder in the case.
Bell was convicted in June of aggravated second-degree battery and conspiracy to commit that crime. His sentencing is scheduled for Sept. 20. Bell could face 22 years in prison.
A rally for the Jena Six on Tuesday at the LaSalle Parish Courthouse drew about 300 residents.
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