April 15, 2009 - Anarchy & they don't even Know It!
Knoxville, Tenn April 15, 2009 - The Original Knights of the KKK were established in Jackson, Tennessee. They are requiring all military, veterans, law officers & those who took the oath to "protect & serve", "to defend the Constitution of the United States of America", "against enemies foreign & domestic" to stand against the policies of this present GOVERNMENT. This will no doubt bring about violence-these are fighting words. Boehner of Ohio & Cornyn of Texas are the main proponents of this coup attempt. Cornyn wore his Texas Lawman hat on Inauguration Day & Boehner had the subversive glare.
Oath Keepers aka Tea Party
Crawford, Tx.,Iconocast[lonestaricon.com]Current Issue-Oath Keepers
Seattle Action Network LibertyBelle w/Rick Santelli
The Chicago Tea Party
Now, the signification is, we're in the final throes. Don't believe it? God, forbid if something would happen to 44.

January 21, 2009, 7:53 pm
Oath Is Administered Once Again
By Jeff Zeleny
WASHINGTON – President Obama was re-administered the oath of office on Wednesday evening by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., one day after the two men stumbled over each other’s words during the inauguration.
Mr. Obama and Mr. Roberts stood in the Map Room of the White House at 7:35 p.m. and recited the oath before a small group of advisers and a handful of reporters.
Robert Gibbs, a spokesman for the White House, said the oath was re-administered out of an “abundance of caution” because a couple of words were out of place on Tuesday. The White House Counsel’s office thought the original oath was proper, Mr. Gibbs said, but Mr. Obama did a second oath anyway.
The final painful struggle out of the past, into the "New Day" is signified in the current media frenzy about "the defendant left hanging" in the noose incident of 2007 that some say spark a new civil rights era.
Now some want to say, the proverbial - see there, I told you. What occured on that dawn of autumn day concerned the travesty of a weighted system. The indivduals, were themselves, mere "vehicles" to cause to occur, what must.
But, we find our selves in the final throes. A painful struggle is in process. It is only the beginning.
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The organisms of disorganization, should be prepared to experience chaos.
Re Oathed?!
Saturday 11July09
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