Melissa Bell Held by Jena Justice System!!! $100,000.00 Bond. "When saw we thee in Prison" It's Still UNEQUAL JUSTICE in Jena, Louisiana in 2008!!
Mauffray to retire from the Bench in December! - His brand of UNEQUAL JUSTICE will remain in force.
Jindal Visits Jena!! - Introduced at church service by Reed Walters.
Bush Visits Alexandria just prior to killings!!!

Black Mother & two (2) daughters run over & KILLED IN ALEXANDRIA, LOUISIANA. Driver of Vehicle had history of DUI's & other vehicular related incidents!!! FREE ON $30,000.00 BOND - The DRIVER of the SUV is a white guy.
21 year old, white guy kills 3 BLACKS - $30,000.00 Bond *** Melissa Bell alledgedly assaulted 2 with shovel $100,000.00 STILL IN JAIL!!!
Alexandria, Louisiana is 30 minutes from Jena, Louisiana: Remember - you all took the ride just over a year ago!!
* * * * * * * U N E Q U A L - - - - - J U S T I C E * * * * * * *
3 pedestrians killed in Alexandria
10/24/2008, 9:13 p.m. CDT
The Associated Press
ALEXANDRIA, La. (AP) — A woman and her two, teenage daughters, were killed Friday when a car ran into them as they walked on the shoulder of Louisiana Highway 1.
The driver was seriously injured when the car went off the road about 3:45 p.m. and into a ditch after hitting the trio, police said.
The victims' names were not released.
Witnesses say the victims were on the shoulder of highway on the southbound side when a 2005 Chevrolet Equinox, veered off the road, hit them and continued into a ditch or culvert. Police say two of the pedestrians were pronounced dead at the scene; the other died at an area hospital.
Driver charged in Alexandria accident that killed mother, two daughters on La. Highway 1
Town Talk staff • October 25, 2008
A Lafayette man faces three counts of negligent homicide after he veered off the side of La. Highway 1 and hit three pedestrians Friday, killing a mother and her two teenage daughters, authorities reported.
The wreck happened around 3:40 p.m. Friday on the shoulder of the southbound lanes of La. 1 near Henry Street, in front of the Louisiana Machinery Co. dealership.
The victims were identified by police as Joann Isaac, 33, and her daughters, Brittany Isaac, 15, and Nyeisha Dumars, 13, all of Alexandria. Dumars died at Rapides Regional Medical Center while the other two were dead at the scene, authorities said.
The driver of the vehicle, Justin Brouillette, 21, was also charged with failure to maintain control and driving with a suspended license, Alexandria Police reported.
Brouillette was driving a 2005 Chevrolet Equinox south on La. 1 (North Bolton Avenue) when the vehicle went off the roadway and hit the pedestrians, police reported.
It does not appear that Brouillette intentionally hit the pedestrians, police said, and the investigation into the cause of the wreck is continuing. More charges could come as officers continue to look into what caused the wreck.
Brouillette was seriously injured when his vehicle hit a culvert after hitting the pedestrians, police said. He was reported to be hospitalized in stable condition Friday night, and although he has officially been charged, he hasn’t yet been booked into the Rapides Parish Jail.
Brouillette graduated from Marksville High School and is a former Alexandria resident, according to profile information on a personal Web page.
Southbound traffic on La. Highway 1 was closed for a few hours following the wreck as police gathered evidence and interviewed witnesses. Northbound traffic in that area was reduced to one lane for a while.
Personal belongings were scattered along the roadway and in a nearby ditch.
Some police officers investigating the wreck were visibly shaken by the scene.
An accident-reconstruction team tried to piece together what had caused Brouillette to leave the roadway, police said. The team stayed on the scene until dark and will return today for additional investigation.
Reporters Abbey Brown and David Dinsmore contributed to this report.
Driver in fatal wreck had DWI conviction

Associated Press - October 28, 2008 5:14 PM ET
ALEXANDRIA, La. (AP) - The 21-year-old man accused of killing a woman and her two daughters as they walked along a highway had at least six speeding tickets and a drunk driving conviction in the three years before that accident.
Justin Paul Brouillette, of Lafayette, was booked Sunday, after he was released from a hospital. He was released on $30,500 bond - $19,000 in property and cash and $11,500 recognizance.
The charges against him are careless driving, driving after his license was suspended and three counts of negligent homicide.
The accident Friday killed 33-year-old Joann Isaac, 15-year-old Brittany Isaac, and 13-year-old Nyeisha Dumars, all of Alexandria.
Brouillette does not have a listed phone number.
The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office says he pleaded guilty to DWI when he was 18.
Police Report
My heart goes out to the victims and their families. The significant levels of compromise continue to victimize Women and African Americans. This would only prove that a "Utopian World" remains to exist. Particularly, since most of the victims are women and African Americans. Jena 6 is happening all over America.
ReplyDeleteDoes the constitution apply to Women, African Americans and/or other minorities?
Based on these facts highlighted on this blog page and first hand experience, my response would be “absolutely not”. Going a step further, the document itself represents a “figure head” within our government. However, I am a law-abiding citizen of the United States. We must live according to the laws of the land. This is not without holding “ourselves” and “lawmakers” accountable for his or her actions.
I’m certain most have heard or read the fairy tale, “Sleeping Beauty”. There is nothing wrong with the story itself, but in my opinion some of us cohabitate amongst the “walking dead”. I am referring to the mental frame of mind, and not the physical. “Wake-up”!!! The threat of modern day slavery has long existed from our ancestors. There are no excuses. Stop singing that ole spiritual song, “We shall overcome”, unless you mean it. The song needs an extra verse such as, “We shall overcame”, as human beings.
What about the fact that African Americans given the HIV epidemic remain in line of total extinction? It takes one time to die... There is a big difference in “Real Freedom Fighting” and “Pretence Freedom Fighting”. Never use anyone’s misfortune as an opportunity. Use it as an unconditional “opportunity” to influence “positive” change.
Women have been warriors within the African culture for centuries. They have ruled over countries, as well as, remain the strong foundation of Successful men. As stated, “behind every successful man is a strong woman.” However, where are these men today, as Women are “Raped” of self esteem, careers, education, and/or physically extorted for their bodies? Women, where are you, when a man needs your understanding and support. Communication works both ways… How about forceful physically rapes occurring every 2 seconds? Men and Women are interdependent on each other, as well as, self. For example, in the case of Melissa Bell, as well as, all the female victims of racial, sexual and other forms of discrimination at the hands of oil services giants, Schlumberger Limited (SLB). Discrimination is global…
How long will “Money, Power, and Silence” buy silence? As long as individual allow “it” to happen, this will determine the fate of mankind… Some may believe in life after death, how will your hearts be weighable against a feather? No one can make a deal with the devil, and expect him to play “fair”. It just will not happen!!!
Jena 6 is happening right in our own backyards, as follows:
- James Byrd dragged to death
- Jena 6 – What’s the status of all of these teens?
- Women of all Races, African Americans and minorities victimized by Discrimination at the hands of Oil Services Giants, Schlumberger Limited (SLB)
- Death sentence of Troy Davis
- Paris, Texas, where as another African American Male dragged to death
- Presidential Elections, where as Oil, Rights of Women and Race are the three main issues…
- Recovery efforts of Hurricane Katrina, Rita, Gustav and Ike
- HIV Epidemic among African Americans
- Melissa Bell
There is an immediate call for “Unity”. Every human being is and should be held accountable for his or her actions. “Women” take pride in knowing that you are all “Queens”. “Men stand up and take pride in your women, and treat them as “Queens”. The evolution of promoting strong “FAMILY” Morals and Values will be critical to the survival of our future.
Why would this relate to Jena 6, and other unjust issues of discrimination?
It is critical to know one's self. In doing so, the levels of compromise would not be tolerated. Therefore increasing the level of "Awareness, love of self, and others”. The division of family is what continues to set human beings up for failure. Stand in complete truth and justice to overcome these imbalances of life.
Become educated as of means of holding yourselves and lawmakers accountable. For example, do any of you know the following?
- How many lives have been lost all due to the "Black Gold" used in your gas tanks? (Genocide)
- How many women and African Americans face discrimination at the hands of Oil?
- How many lives have been "jeopardized" due to unclean drinking water.
- What ever happened to one of the most and historical Lake Chad located in Africa?
- Have you ever researched and/or have any previous knowledge of Schlumberger Limited (SLB) – Largest oil services corporation in the World…
- How many regimens were hired to sacrifice innocent men, women and children in Africa and Globally
- Did you know Schlumberger Limited received guilty convictions related to illegal visas, perjury, EPA…?
- How many of the illegal visas could have had the potential of being “terrorist” in 911 or potential “terrorist” in the present and/or our future in America?
- How many valid cases were dismissed, regardless of “proving” evidence?
- How many “innocent” victims are in prison, and what is protecting them from “PRISON RAPES”?
The bottom line is, become educated and responsible. We are all human beings, and a change must happen. Get out and VOTE, with the intent to hold lawmakers accountable once again. Nothing “great” will never come easy, but if “no action is taken”, “greatness” will never come.
Stop waiting on “someone” else to do the work. Life is your responsibility. Therefore, I encourage you to place God first in your lives, but live with in truth. Justice will never be “Just” if “Truth” is not within the equation. Victory is already here. Stand up against the corruption of Money, Power and Politics.
God Bless,
Tawanna (A.K.A.Truth)